VTE, cousin of VIE, to conquer talents

VTE, cousin of VIE, to conquer talents

Some time ago, we explained to you what a VIE was. Now discover the VTE, a system which aims to attract students or young graduates to the territories. 57% of SMEs in the region consider that they lack the talent to grow. Faced with this alarming observation, the BPI launched the system Territorial Volunteering in Business (VTE). For students it is a way to participate in a human adventure in industries that they would not necessarily have thought of.

What is VTE?

The aim of the VTE is to encourage students to go to local companies for at least one year. These missions are intended for people with training ranging from Bac+2 to Bac+5. On the BPI website we can read: “VTE is an opportunity for young people totake responsibility with a long-term work-study contract or a post-graduate contract of at least one year. »

According to Nicolas Dufourcq, Managing Director of Bpifrance “ The idea is simple: if you don’t yet know which career path to take after school, if it’s not clear in your mind, go spend at least one year working alongside an SME boss. We take care of everything. »


Why was Territorial Corporate Volunteering created?

Through the “French Lab” movement, the Ministry of Economy and Finance is supporting the transformation of industry in France. It is in this context that the VTE was designed. Indeed, faced with the difficulties encountered by SMEs and ETIs in recruiting young talents, the VTE was launched. In the design, VTE is a national VIE serving SMEs and ETIs.

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Why do a VTE?

VTE is described as a win-win experience. First of all, on the recruiter’s side, VTE is a way to attract talent that would have been difficult to recruit. For the student or young graduate, it is first of all the way to obtain important responsibilities and “to live a 360° experience allowing them to acquire in-depth knowledge of the company and its professions” according to the BPI.

What missions can we do thanks to the VTE?

The missions of VTEs are framed according to different categories:

  • “Right arm of the manager” experience
  • Transformation/digitalization/new business model project
  • Disruptive technological project/New product/New production methods
  • International development (from France)
  • Finance/M&A
  • Marketing/Communications
  • Employer brand/HR/CSR

Where can a VTE be carried out?

Out of 141 industrial territories, 12 have already committed to the process. Among them, we can count Normandy (Dieppe, Figeac and Rodez). The program is ambitious and aims to integrate as many industrial territories as possible.

What type of contract is linked to the VTE?

The VTE is intended for students from Bac+2 to Bac+5. The VTE can take two formats:

  • A work-study program: apprenticeship or professionalization contract
  • A contract after graduation: CDD or CDI for at least one year

What salary for a VTE?

Unlike VIE where salaries are known according to geographical area, remuneration for VTEs is subject to the market (CDI, CDD) or regulations (alternation).

Also read: the salary scale in VIE

What are the advantages of this type of contract?

On many points, the VTE resembles a traditional contract more than a VIE. The VIE is often appreciated by students because it makes it relatively easy to work abroad and offers attractive, well-defined remuneration known in advance.

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The VTE, for its part, aims to encourage young people to go to territories that are often set aside and the remuneration is indexed to the market. It then becomes legitimate to ask the question: what are the advantages brought by the concept of VTE?

The BPI is committed to promote the concept of VTE to the HR directors of large groups. Participants will be able to write “VTE Bpifrance” on their CV. This VTE program is therefore a differentiating line to add to your CV. This is how it is different from a traditional contract.

In addition, certain communities in which the companies where the VTEs will take place are located will offer support: housing assistance, transport facilities, scholarships, etc. These advantages depend on the geographical areas.

How to apply for a VTE?

To apply, you must consult the advertisements on the official website; there are currently around sixty offers on offer.

If you are tempted to work in an ETI or a SMI in France, the VTE is for you!