Marylise Léon CFDT

The portrait of Marylise Léon, general secretary of the CFDT

Marylise Léon succeeds Laurent Berger as general secretary of the CFDT. A look back at his career, his evolution within the CFDT as well as his priorities for his mandate.

Formerly deputy general secretary, Marylise Léon has recently been at the head of the first French trade union organization, the CFDT. Unanimously elected by the National Office, she will be accompanied by Yvan Ricordeau, elected deputy secretary general. The former number two took office on June 21 and expressed her ambitions during a speech at the Zénith in Paris, in front of more than 2,700 activists.

What is the CFDT?

The CFDT, abbreviation for French Democratic Confederation of Labor, is a French workers’ union. It now has more than 610,000 activists, making it the leading French union in terms of numbers, ahead of the CGT, the General Confederation of Labor.

The union was born in 1919 under the acronym CFTC, French Confederation of Christian Workers, and campaigns for socialist and democratic unionism. The major turning point in its history took place in 1964: the CFTC became the CFDT and placed its fight within the class struggle. Progressive in nature, the union supports decolonization, the legalization of abortion as well as taking into account the specific rights of women. At the end of the 1970s, the CFDT decided to distance itself from political parties, and therefore from socialist parties, in order to refocus on its union action.

Structured into several unions defined according to the professions and geographical sector of the members, the CFDT is today present in both the private and public sectors. It claims to be secular and tends to defend the interests of employees, by obtaining new rights for them or by fighting against reforms deemed unfair, such as pension reform.

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The career of Marylise Léon

What is Marylise Léon’s curriculum and background?

Marylise LéonMarylise Léon
(c) Wikimedia/Anne Bruel

Marylise Léon was born on November 23, 1976 in Le Mans. His father, manager of public transport networks, then turned to politics, since he became mayor of his town in 2020, located in Finistère.

Marylise Léon began her schooling in her hometown, before joining the University of Créteil, then that of Paris Cité. Holder of a DESS in chemistry, she first worked as a quality, safety and environment manager before becoming responsible for studies and training on health and safety issues at work.

Marylise Léon’s union commitment within the CFDT

Marylise Léon joined the CFDT Chemistry Energy Federation in 2009. She is in charge of health and safety issues at work as well as the training of activists on technological risks. Five years later, Marylise Léon was elected national confederal secretary with more than 99% of the votes. Responsible for industrial and energy issues, she also closely follows subjects relating to sustainable development and corporate social responsibility.

Marylise Léon was then appointed deputy secretary general in 2018, then re-elected a second time in 2022. During her mandate, she notably took action against unemployment insurance reforms, toughening the conditions of compensation for job seekers, and contributed to the Power of Living pact, which acts to respond to the ecological, social and democratic emergency.

On June 21, 2023, she succeeded Laurent Berger as secretary general of the CFDT, following the latter’s resignation. In office since 2012, Laurent Berger notably supported the Labor law in 2016 and, more recently, opposed the pension reform project.

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Marylise Léon, general secretary of the CFDT: her major projects?

Barely elected as head of the CFDT, Marylise Léon began her speech at the Zénith in Paris by announcing her objectives: “ Climate change is happening now. Weakened democracy is now. Europe at the crossroads is now. Digital technology and artificial intelligence, which have taken over the world of work, are here now. The changing work is now“, then clearly presenting the axes which will guide the principal of the new number one of the union.

On the ecological transition, Marylise Léon wants to act at all levels in order to advance ecological planning, whether at the level of employees, CSEs, companies and sectors. She is particularly very critical of the France 2030 plan, which relies on new technologies to limit climate change. According to her, this plan must be accompanied by other decarbonization tools. She also calls into question the Green Industry law, “which consists above all of making fewer standards, fewer environmental constraints, to develop the productive tool”.

Regarding social issues, purchasing power is also one of the CFDT’s priorities. Marylise Léon recalled that “ 147 branches still have minimums below the minimum wage“. According to her, dialogue must take place at branch and company level.

Marylise Léon: the salary of the general secretary of the CFDT

Marylise Léon’s salary is not yet known due to the recent change in her duties. However, the salary of his predecessor, Laurent Berger, is estimated at around €4,500 net per month. It remains to be seen whether Marylise Léon will receive the same salary as the one who remained for more than 10 years at the head of the largest French union.

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