Pauline Bouveau présidente BNEM

The BNEM presents its president and its new office

The BNEM (National Office of Management School Students) has just elected its brand new office. At the head of this student association, an EDHEC student: Pauline Bouveau. Discover the journey of those who will carry high the colors of business school students.

What is the role of the BNEM?

In 2020, the BNEM was born. His ambition? Democratize the management school sector, both among the general public and among high school students who are not necessarily well supported in their career path. The BNEM is the “business school” version of another association that has existed for several years: the BNEI (National Office of Engineering School Students).

Concretely, the BNEM is leading many battles. He is the spokesperson for the sector as well as for the students with the Grandes Écoles and even state authorities. Among the subjects at the heart of the concerns of BNEM students: ecological transition, equal opportunities and social openness, parity or even orientation, of course.

Who is Pauline Bouveau, the new president of the BNEM?

Pauline Bouveau succeeds Romain Vismara. A student at BSB, he served as president of BNEM for more than a year. He notably left his mark by moving to France 2 television newsin October 2022, to talk about financing studies.

From now on, the National Office of Management School Students is chaired by Pauline Bouveau. Pauline is a student at EDHEC and specialized in finance. She also obtained a double degree in mathematical engineering with the University of Côte d’Azur. Before her arrival at EDHEC, Pauline Bouveau was in PSI scientific preparation at the Lycée Descartes in Tours.

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Pauline Bouveau is not new to the BNEM. Before becoming its president, she was responsible for promoting management schools (in 2021). She then served as external vice-president alongside Romain Vismara.

The BNEM office 2023-2024

This start of the mandate of the president of the BNEM is accompanied by the appointment of a brand new office. The elections brought Pauline Bouveau to the head of the association, but she will not be the only one to carry the voice of management school students. The rest of the BNEM office is made up of:

  • Grégoire Kraoul-Riera (SKEMA): External Vice-President
  • Julie Loyez (SKEMA): Internal Vice-President
  • Quentin Demaret (NEOMA): Treasurer
  • Emma Couvran (Rennes SB): Secretary General