The best countries to settle in after your studies

The best countries to settle in after your studies

Obtaining a degree from a leading French business school opens the doors to a promising international career. However, the choice of country to settle in to start this new professional stage is crucial. In this article, we explore in detail the best countries to settle in after a degree, evaluating various criteria such as quality of life, purchasing power, salaries, living environment, and well-being of residents.

Switzerland: a perfect balance between high salaries and quality of life

Switzerland is one of the best countries to settle in after a degree, thanks to its economic stability, political neutrality, and exceptional quality of life. The country combines tradition and innovation, offering a safe and organized living environment. Close to France, it allows French graduates to stay connected to their loved ones while benefiting from ideal living and working conditions.

  • Key Sectors : Switzerland is a world leader in finance, with Geneva and Zurich as major financial centers. The insurance and asset management sector is also very developed. The pharmaceutical industry, especially with companies like Novartis and Roche, is crucial. Switzerland also excels in luxury watchmaking and tourism, particularly in the Alpine regions.
  • Quality of life : Switzerland is regularly ranked among the countries offering the best quality of life. Its cities like Zurich and Geneva are renowned for their cleanliness, security, and cutting-edge infrastructure.
  • Purchasing Power : The country offers one of the highest purchasing powers in the world. Although the cost of living is high, so are salaries, allowing for an excellent standard of living.
  • Wages : Graduates can expect competitive salaries, often higher than those in other European countries, with annual salaries easily starting above 100,000 CHF (around 105,000 euros).
  • Living Environment and Well-Being : Switzerland offers an exceptional living environment with its alpine landscapes and magnificent lakes. The health system and social services are excellent, contributing to high general well-being.

Germany: a stable economic power

Germany is another of the best countries to settle in after a degree, being the industrial heart of Europe with a powerful economy and rich culture. The country values ​​efficiency, innovation, and precision, thus providing an ideal environment for young graduates.

  • Key Sectors : Germany dominates the automobile industry with brands like Volkswagen, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz. The engineering, information technology, and chemical sectors are also very strong. The country also stands out for its expertise in renewable energies.
  • Quality of life : Cities like Munich, Frankfurt, and Berlin offer an excellent quality of life with modern infrastructure, a wide range of leisure activities, and a good public transport system.
  • Purchasing Power : Although slightly lower than in Switzerland, purchasing power in Germany remains high. The cost of living is reasonable compared to salaries, especially in medium-sized cities.
  • Wages : Salaries for young graduates are attractive, with an average of 50,000 to 70,000 euros per year, depending on the region and sector.
  • Living Environment and Well-Being : Germany is known for its work-life balance. The social protection system is strong, and job security is high, contributing to a stable and pleasant living environment.
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Canada: a welcoming nation with an excellent living environment

Canada is one of the best countries to settle in after a degree for those looking for a balance between economic opportunities and quality of life. The country is recognized for its multiculturalism, its security, and its vast natural spaces.

  • Key Sectors : Canada is rich in natural resources, with strong industries in mining, oil, and gas. The technology sector is booming, particularly in Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver. Financial services, real estate, and retail are also well developed.
  • Quality of life : Canada offers an exceptional quality of life with its vast natural landscapes and modern cities. The country is also known for its tolerance and security.
  • Purchasing Power : Although the cost of living can be high in some large cities, purchasing power remains favorable, especially in cities like Calgary or Ottawa.
  • Wages : Graduates can expect competitive salaries, ranging from 50,000 to 80,000 CAD (approximately 35,000 to 55,000 euros) for an entry-level position, depending on the industry and city.
  • Living Environment and Well-Being : Canada is often ranked among the countries where the well-being of its inhabitants is the highest, thanks to its universal health system, its advanced social policies, and its exceptional natural environment.

Singapore: the essential Asian hub

Singapore is another one of the best countries to settle in after a degree, especially for those attracted to Asia. This modern city-state is often considered a model of economic success, offering exceptional career opportunities.

  • Key Sectors : Singapore is a global financial center, with a leading banking and financial services sector. International trade, logistics, and information technology are also key drivers of the economy.
  • Quality of life : Singapore offers a high quality of life in a modern, clean, and secure urban environment. The country is renowned for its state-of-the-art infrastructure and unparalleled public safety.
  • Purchasing Power : The cost of living is high, but so are salaries, allowing for good purchasing power, particularly for expatriates.
  • Wages : Salaries in Singapore are very attractive, particularly in the financial and technology sectors, with offers for graduates often starting around 70,000 to 90,000 SGD (around 45,000 to 58,000 euros).
  • Living Environment and Well-Being : Singapore offers a pleasant living environment for expats, with a warm climate all year round and a world-class healthcare system. However, work-life balance can be a challenge due to the long working hours often expected.
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Australia: a paradise for graduates looking for sun

Australia is one of the best countries to settle in for those looking to combine professional opportunities with a relaxed lifestyle. With its magnificent beaches and dynamic economy, Australia attracts many young professionals.

  • Key Sectors : Australia is a leader in the mining industries, notably coal, iron, and natural gas. The services sector, including financial services, education, and tourism, is also highly developed.
  • Quality of life : Australia is famous for its quality of life, thanks to its breathtaking natural landscapes, its pleasant climate, and its dynamic cities like Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane.
  • Purchasing Power : Although the cost of living is high in big cities, salaries generally allow you to maintain a good standard of living.
  • Wages : Recent graduates can expect competitive salaries, with a range of 50,000 to 80,000 AUD (approximately 30,000 to 48,000 euros) depending on sector and experience.
  • Living Environment and Well-Being : Australia is often seen as one of the countries with the best work-life balance, with a strong emphasis on outdoor activities and general well-being.

New Zealand: a natural paradise

New Zealand is another great choice among the best countries to move to after a degree. It is renowned for its natural beauty, relaxed lifestyle, and warm welcome.

  • Key Sectors : Agriculture is a pillar of the New Zealand economy, particularly dairy, sheep and wine production. Tourism is also crucial, attracting millions of visitors each year. Information technology and creative industries, such as cinema, are growing.
  • Quality of life : New Zealand offers an exceptional quality of life with a preserved natural environment and welcoming local communities.
  • Purchasing Power : The cost of living is relatively high in large cities like Auckland, but salaries allow you to maintain a good standard of living.
  • Wages : Business school graduates can expect salaries ranging from 50,000 to 70,000 NZD (approximately 28,000 to 39,000 euros) for an entry-level position, depending on the industry and experience. The technology, financial, and agricultural sectors often offer the best salary prospects.
  • Living Environment and Well-Being : New Zealand is known for its work-life balance. The healthcare system is of good quality, and residents enjoy easy access to beautiful natural spaces, which promotes an active and healthy lifestyle. The country is also distinguished by a supportive community and low crime, which contributes to general well-being.
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Choosing the best country to settle in after obtaining a French degree depends on your personal and professional priorities. Switzerland and Germany stand out for their economic stability and high quality of life in Europe. Canada, New Zealand, and Australia offer an exceptional living environment, with a more relaxed work culture, ideal for those looking for a good work-life balance. Singapore, on the other hand, offers extraordinary career opportunities in a dynamic, safe environment located in the heart of Asia.

Each of these countries has unique advantages that may correspond to different profiles and professional aspirations.

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