As a student or recent graduate, you have the opportunity to enrich your CV and above all to have your professional skills and abilities recognized thanks to skills certificates. These certifications will allow you to make a difference during your job searches, to progress more quickly or to increase your chances for a successful professional retraining!
What is a skills certificate?
First of all, you should know that there are 4 different skills certificates: the professional skills certificate (CCP), the professional qualification certificate (CQP), the validation of acquired experience (VAE) and the certificate business skills (CCE).
These skills certificates are intended for all people who wish to promote their skills, knowledge and skills acquired during their previous professional experience.
There are eight qualification levels which assess the knowledge and skills acquired through the new national professional qualifications framework.
New nomenclature as of 01.01.2020 | Equivalence |
Level 1 | Basic knowledge |
Level 2 | – |
Level 3 | CAP |
Level 4 | Baccalaureate |
Level 5 | Bac+2/DUT/BTS |
Level 6 | License |
Level 7 | Master |
Level 8 | PhD |
Each professional certification is evaluated based on the following criteria:
- The level of know-how (depending on the complexity and technicality of an activity in a work process)
- The complexity of knowledge associated with the exercise of professional activity
- The level of responsibility and autonomy within the work organization
Finally, there are three types of professional certification:
- Diplomas and professional titles issued in the name of the State
- Titles from training organizations or consular chambers
- Certificates created by professional branches (CQP)
- This new national framework for professional certifications was introduced by article 31 of the law of September 5, 2018 for the freedom to choose one’s professional future.
- When a training course is registered with the RNCP, this means that it is recognized and certified by the National Commission for Professional Certification (CNCP).
The differences between skills certificates
In this part we will detail the specificities of each skills certification.
Validation of acquired experience (VAE)
The VAE allows anyone to have their acquired experience validated in order to obtain professional certification. You should know that the duration of the VAE is 12 months.
Another important element. This is an individual right enshrined in the Labor Code and the Education Code. Everyone can do a VAE given that there are no criteria of age, status (volunteer, temporary worker, employee, craftsman, etc.) or professional experience (permanent contract, fixed-term contract, temporary work, volunteering, etc.). .) ! The only condition to qualify for a VAE is to have professional experience of at least one year directly linked to the professional certification sought (diploma, title, professional qualification certificate).
Thanks to the VAE, you will be able to obtain:
- A national professional diploma or title issued by the State
- A diploma awarded by a higher education establishment
- A title issued by a higher education establishment
- A professional qualification certificate created by the National Joint Employment Commission (CPNE) from a professional branch (which must be registered with the RNCP)
The VAE is often a springboard in the acquisition of another skills certificate such as the professional title (CCP) or the professional skills certificate (CQP).
To obtain it, you will need to complete a application file for validation of acquired experience. Once the file has been validated, you will benefit from support (highly recommended) before your evaluation of the acquired experience. During this phase, you will have to provide information on your entire professional career with a possible role-play and an interview with a jury. There are only three possible outcomes:
- Total validation of your file
- Partial validation which still allows you to obtain one or more skills certificates, but some of your skills will have to be subject to additional control
- Refusal of validation
The professional title or professional skills certificate (CCP)
The professional title is a state certification developed and issued by the Ministry of Labor. This will promote your access to employment and/or contribute to your professional development. It should be noted that all professional titles are registered in the national directory of professional certifications (RNCP).
This certificate attests to the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for a given job.
The professional title is aimed at anyone who wishes to acquire a professional qualification, whatever the field and level of qualification.
However, it is primarily aimed at people:
- currently undergoing professional retraining (looking for or in employment);
- already hold a level 5 diploma (bac+2)who wish to specialize in a professional title via apprenticeship;
- experienced who would like to validate the skills acquired with a view to social promotion by obtaining a recognized qualification;
- leaving the school system and who wish to acquire a qualification in a specific sector, whether as part of an apprenticeship or professionalization contract.
You can obtain this skills certificate through professional training, apprenticeship or through validation of acquired experience (VAE).
If you wish to apply for a CCP through an apprenticeship route, you must hold a diploma or professional certification attesting to at least level 3 (CAP) or be a young person aged 16 to 25 years without a diploma or having only the national diploma of the Brevet or the general education certificate leaving the school system. By going through professional training, you must, at the end of a continuous course, prepare yourself to master all of the skills necessary to obtain the title. If you go through the VAE, you must have one year of professional experience linked to the professional title sought
Then, you will have to attend the exam organized by a center approved by the regional directorate of businesses, competition, labor consumption and employment (DIRECT).
- There are more than 300 professional titles which appear in the list of the national directory of professional certifications (RNCP).
The professional qualification certificate (CQP)
The CQP professional qualification certificate is a certification created and issued by one or more national joint employment commissions (CNPE) professional branch. This certificate makes it possible to obtain recognition of the skills and know-how required by all companies in the same professional sector.
This is aimed at employees as well as people looking for work or even young people who wish to complete their initial training. On the other hand, the CQP will open the doors to new professions with new responsibilities. It can be prepared as part of a professionalization contract, but also through training designed by your employer via a skills development plan (formerly training plan).
You can also prepare your CQP by validating acquired experience (VAE), if it is registered with the RNCP and if you have at least one year of experience related to the professional qualification certificate. To do this, contact either a Cap Emploi advisor, your local Mission advisor, your Pôle Emploi advisor, a VAE referent or the skills operator (OPCO) for your professional branch.
However, the CQP does not have the same legal recognition! Some are only recognized by the professional branches concerned, while CQPs registered in the national directory of professional certifications are recognized by other branches.
- The CQP is a title corresponding to level 3 (formerly level V), that is to say CAP level which certifies an individual’s aptitude for a profession.
- 501 professional qualification certificates are registered with the RNCP.
The business skills certificate (CCE)
Finally, there is the business skills certificate (CCE), issued by CCI France and listed by the National Commission for Professional Certifications (CNCP). This certification, intended for everyone, allows you to attest to the mastery of skills learned following training or professional experience and to develop your employability. The CCE will certify your skills without having to prove a diploma.
On the other hand, you should know that this system certifies the skills of an employee around six areas of activity: ccommunicate, develop, manage, manage, organize and produce. The certification process is carried out at the heart of the company with support from a continuing training center approved by the CCI.
- The CCE is valid for five years.
Frequently Asked Questions About Skills Certificates
What is the difference between a certificate and an attestation?
The attestation is a declaration, verbal or written, which testifies to the existence or veracity of a fact. While a certificate is a document issued by a competent authority to certify a fact or right.
What is the difference between a diploma and a title?
A diploma is only issued by the State, National Education, and universities and Grandes Écoles. A certified title is registered with the RNCP and ensures professional value and its level of qualification.
To conclude, to make it clearer, we have summarized the different skills certificates for you in table form:
CCP | CQP | VAE | CEC | |
Definition | Professional title certified by the Ministry of Labor | Professional qualification certificate, created and issued by a professional branch | Validation of acquired experience | Business skills certificate |
For what ? | Acquisition of specific professional skills, promotes access to employment, promotes the professional development of the holder | Recognition of skills and knowledge necessary for practicing a profession | Validates the acquired professional experience with the aim of acquiring a diploma, a qualification certificate or a professional title | Recognition of skills held for the purposes of career enhancement, mobility or job application |
For whom? | For all | For all | For all | For all |
How to get it? | Apprenticeship, VAE, professional training | Training (professionalization contract or skills development plan) | File, scenario and evaluation before a jury of professionals | Contact the company and the CCI training center |