Signing a professional email: tips and examples

Signing a professional email: tips and examples

Email signatures are an essential part of any good professional email. However, it is important to know the codes of the latter in order to optimize the potential of your signatures. Business Cool helps you see more clearly when creating your professional email signature so that it makes all the difference!

Whether before entering a company, for the recruitment process, to follow up with a client or even to communicate with colleagues, the professional email signature is a very important tool. It responds to specific codes that we let you discover below.

Write a professional email well: our advice

Writing a good professional email is an art. You must in fact learn to structure the information well, without hesitating to include the most important elements at the beginning of the message. It is also important to start with a clear email subject line which must contain relevant keywords. Needless to say, you need to avoid spelling mistakes and colloquial language by keeping the message short and precise. Finally, it is important to conclude your email with a call to action, if you are expecting a response from your recipient, a polite statement and a signature that matches your name, position, company as well as your contact details. We’ll come back to that a little later in this article!

Greetings and politeness expressions

Polite and greeting expressions are important to give a good first impression, whether at the beginning or end of an email. Indeed, by sending a professional email, you represent your company and you must give the best image of yourself and your company.

Whatever your level of relationship with the person, when in doubt, it is customary to maintain a formal tone to best represent your company, avoiding expressions such as “Hi”, “Hello” or even “Hey” . If you don’t know your recipient, use an even more formal greeting such as “Madam, Sir.” If you know your interlocutor, we recommend that you not be too serious. A simple “Hello” can do the trick! We advise you to use the common formula “Hello Madam/Sir” instead. Be careful to avoid using a person’s first name if you have never spoken to them, particularly in a recruitment context.

Concerning polite expressions, “cordially”, “yours” or “yours” are generally the most used. If you want to add a little distance with your recipient, you can opt for “kind regards”, which appears slightly colder. Be careful not to use informal terms with your interlocutor at the end of a professional email if you have never met them and if you have never had permission to use informal terms.

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Conclude a professional email

Before concluding your email with a signature, make sure to end your professional email with a call to action, especially if you need a response from your interlocutor. If you want to make him understand that important information has slipped into the email and that he absolutely must read it, you can opt for “Thank you for the time given to my message”. This will make him understand that he needs to give time to your message.

If you are waiting for a response from your interlocutor, you can conclude by proposing a meeting date or by remaining available to answer their questions, for example: “While waiting for your response, I remain available to answer your questions » or even “for clarification”. In any case, avoid being too directive and maintain a formal tone when formulating your conclusion. You should not give orders to your typical interlocutor. “I’m waiting for a response from you.” It’s all in the suggestion.

Why is the email signature important?

When sending a professional email, it’s important to think of your email signature as a modern business card. It is not only used to provide your contact details, but should also be used to promote your brand image, share relevant marketing content and ensure your company’s legal compliance. By adding a professional signature at the end of your messages, you show your recipients your professionalism and provide them with the information they need to contact you easily. This can help you stand out from the competition and leave a good impression on your professional contacts.

Mistakes to avoid in a professional email signature

When creating a professional email signature, it is important to take care to avoid certain errors that frequently occur. First of all, you should avoid using a font that is too small, illegible or unprofessional. Exit Comic Sans MS. It is also important not to overload the signature by adding too much unnecessary information, images or emojis which can make it difficult to read. Some people put GIFs, but this makes the email heavier and is not always pleasing to the eye!

In your professional email, it is important to ensure that the signature contains relevant information such as name, company, position, contact details and relevant links if you have them (website, etc.). Finally, you must pay attention to the layout, in particular by using a clear and balanced structure, avoiding inconsistent alignments and respecting the company’s colors.

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What a professional email signature should include

If you want to create an effective professional email signature, there are certain elements you should not overlook. First of all, make sure to include your full first and last name, as well as your professional title – the name of your position – so that your correspondents know who they are talking to. Also don’t forget to mention the name of your company and add a photo of yourself and/or your company logo if possible. However, these elements are not mandatory

You must also provide a professional telephone number and your email address to facilitate contact. Finally, don’t forget to include a link to your company’s website to generate interest among recipients and bring Internet users back to your site. By following these steps, you can create an optimal professional email signature that will leave a good impression on your contacts.

The best signatures for a professional email

When it comes to professional emails, the signature is just as important as the polite words at the end of the message. It allows you to provide key information about yourself and your business. For a good professional email signature, don’t forget to include the essential elements seen above. It is recommended to keep your presentation sober and professional, avoiding overly distracting images or animations. Keep in mind that your email signature is a representation of your company and yourself, so make sure it is adapted to your audience.

In certain cases, which are quite rare, you can do without signing a professional email. In fact, you can opt for just your first name. In general, this rule applies to internal company exchanges. Relations were less agreed, you can afford to avoid this step.

How to create a professional email signature?

To create an effective professional email signature, you can follow these key elements. Make sure your contact information is up to date and correct so people know who you are and how to contact you. Also make sure that your email signature is consistent with your company’s logo and image and don’t hesitate to include a banner to promote your campaigns, events and offers. Use a disclaimer to comply with applicable laws and make it easy for customers to leave you feedback with one-click comment buttons. To boost your credibility, add certification and award logos and link your social media accounts. Finally, make sure that viewing all of these elements together is enjoyable.

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How to present your contact details?

To present your contact details effectively, it is important not to overload your profile with non-essential information. It is best to only add links to content likely to interest prospects. Likewise, it is recommended not to add information that you do not want others to use, not to promise what you cannot deliver, or not to add contact information that you do not have. mastery.

Add a photo and/or logo to your email signature

If you want to add a photo or logo to your email signature, this can go a long way to strengthening your professionalism and credibility. Personal photos are very popular on social media, so it’s helpful to give your written communications a face as well. You can choose to include a photo in your internal, external or both email signature. Remember that your email signature is often the last thing your recipient will see when reading your message, so it is an important element in their final impression of you. You should prefer a LinkedIn type photo, rather than an Instagram type visual.

However, it is important to note that creating an elaborate and engaging signature design can be more difficult than expected. Images are often misused and it is regrettable to neglect this aspect of your external communication. Inserting a logo into a signature is not as simple as dragging and dropping and, even using an email signature editing tool, it is often necessary to install the code manually into the file Email HTML.

If you use the generator HubSpotyou can easily install your email signature in your email with just one click, regardless of the email manager you use.

Include an appointment booking link in your signature

If you want to simplify making appointments with your clients and partners, consider adding an appointment link to your professional email signature. By adding a custom calendar link, your recipients can easily choose a date and time that best suits their schedule. This will save you from long email conversations and allow you to better manage your time. Thanks to this link, you can also share your working hours so that your professional contacts can see them.

The best signatures in a professional email: examples

Example #1

Example #2