Recruitment: 15 phrases to avoid in a job interview

Recruitment: 15 phrases to avoid in a job interview

When you have recruitment interviews, certain phrases should be avoided or even banned if you do not want the recruiter to reject your application. Business Cool helps you answer questions you don’t necessarily have the answers to and tells you how to land the job of your dreams.

As you can imagine, in the professional context, certain phrases are key to landing a job or a contract, while others should be completely banned. It is important for the candidate going through an interview to take the time to answer correctly when a recruiter asks you a question. This allows you to leave a good impression at the end of the interview.

Phrases to ban: what to expect in an interview?

As part of a recruitment process, the recruiter will inevitably ask you trick questions, ask you to give faults, talk about your past experiences or give examples of your accomplishments. This is why it is already important to be very honest from the first stages of recruitment, whether about your previous employers or what you did in a previous position.

Therefore, certain answers or phrases should be absolutely avoided if you do not want to spoil your chances of getting the job of your dreams or show that you have a significant interest in the position for which you applied. Once again, preparation is key to demonstrating your motivation and knowing how to show that you are the best for this position!

The list of 15 phrases to avoid in an interview

Negative phrases to ban during recruitment

I don’t know“. It’s a simple sentence, but it can give the impression that you are unprepared or that you lack self-confidence. Further down in this article, you will be able to see how to tell your recruiter that you do not know how to answer the question, while showing your interest in the position for which you have declared yourself a candidate.

I can’t work with difficult people“. This can be interpreted as a lack of conflict resolution skills and a poor attitude towards collaboration. You shouldn’t risk letting your recruiter think that you don’t know how to work in a team! It is one of the soft skills most sought after by recruiters today.

I have no questions“. This phrase to avoid in an interview may suggest that you are not curious or interested enough in the company and the position in question. This type of question is essential to show that you are interested in the company. At the end of the interview, do not hesitate to ask questions about the rest of the process, about recruitment needs, about the life of the company… It is also very important to find out about the company before undergo recruitment interviews.

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I’m not sure I want to work for this company“. This is THE phrase to ban in recruitment. This shows that you are not convinced of the opportunity and potential of the company, which can be seen as a lack of enthusiasm and interest.

Overly honest statements

I just want a job to pay my bills“. This is way too honest and can give the impression that you are not motivated by the work itself, but only by the salary. In general, when you follow these recruitment steps, you have not yet negotiated your salary and this type of sentence can suggest that you will not be invested if your salary is too low.

I can’t wait to leave my current job“. This phrase should be avoided in an interview because your recruiter will think that you are applying for the wrong reasons. It can also give the other person the impression that you don’t know how to handle stress or that you are unreliable.

I don’t really know what the company does »: This may show that you haven’t done your research on the company and that you really have no motivation to get this position.

I’m sorry I’m late“. Arriving late for a job interview can happen, but it is often considered disrespectful and unprofessional. If you have to apologize to the recruiter, don’t dwell on your mistake.

I don’t have much experience in this area“. If it is very honest of you, you must not forget that you must know how to put yourself forward during an interview. Also, you should definitely not say point blank that you do not have the skills for the position. You can also add nuance, explaining that you are ready to learn more about the missions.

Phrases to avoid in interviews: lies

I am ready to accept everything“. This is not completely true and this sentence spoken by the candidate can even annoy the recruiter. This may show that you haven’t thought about what you really want in a job or that you don’t have enough confidence in your skills and experience.

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I am the ideal person for this position“. No, you are not the ideal candidate for a position. There is no ideal candidate but more or less suitable profiles. And above all, this sentence, uttered in the context of a job interview, can seem arrogant and pretentious.

I am capable of doing everything“. Here again, this is not necessarily true and your recruiter will mainly want to know what your skills are clearly.

I am ready to accept any salary“. This can give the impression that you are unaware of your value in the job market or that you lack the required skills so much that you are willing to sacrifice your salary.

I’m too perfectionist“. This is the fault to banish from any job interview. Your recruiter doesn’t want to hear that you’re a perfectionist.

I have no fault“. Here again, everyone has faults and you have to learn to value them and show that you are working on them or that you have been able to overcome them in the context of professional experience or in your former position.

Know how to talk about yourself and put yourself forward during an interview

Talking about yourself in an interview is important to give a good impression and demonstrate that you are the ideal candidate for a position. However, it is also important not to appear arrogant or pretentious, which can hurt your chances of getting the job. As with many events in your professional life, it is important to prepare well for the interview and the questions that the recruiter will ask you.

It is important to prepare your introduction and a brief presentation of yourself, highlighting your key skills, your achievements and your experiences. Don’t forget to support your comments with examples to show the recruiter that you are not lying. It’s important to be honest, but not too honest, as you can see in the phrases to avoid during a job interview cited above.

It is also important to be humble and empathetic by listening carefully to your recruiter and the questions they ask. You should not answer what your interlocutor is going to ask you. You also need to know how to respond to what he says. Finally, avoid superlatives to describe yourself. Don’t say ” I am the best in my company on Excel“, but instead opts for a wording like: “ my former employers praised my skills in Excel which also allowed me to unblock the file… »

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How to say “I don’t know” in an interview?

It can be difficult to admit that you don’t know how to answer a question during a job interview, but it’s important to remain honest and professional. Here are some suggestions for answering a question for which you don’t have the answer, while avoiding the phrase “I don’t know”:

  • Request clarification to clarify the question. This can help you better understand the question and give you ideas on how to answer it.
  • Explain your reasoning. If you are unsure of the exact answer, explain your reasoning and thoughts on the question. This can show that you have knowledge on the subject and are able to think critically.
  • Offer an alternative. If you don’t know the exact answer, offer an alternative related to the question or ask a related question.
  • Admit your lack of knowledge with humility and say that you are ready to learn more. This can show that you are aware of your limitations and that you want to work to improve your skills.

What are the signs of a successful job interview?

A successful job interview is a process in which the employer and candidate have had a good impression of each other and have been able to discuss expectations and requirements for the position. Your job interview was successful if you feel that the conversation was fluid and that the exchange was pleasant for your recruiter, if the interview time was respected, or even exceeded.

If you have been introduced to team members and your future manager has given you a tour of the premises, then this is also a signal of a successful job interview. You can also get positive signals if you feel that the recruiter had a fairly relaxed and pleasant tone. Finally, if you have avoided saying the previous sentences in an interview, you have necessarily put all the chances on your side to succeed in your recruitment!