When he arrived at INSEEC, Mathieu was interested in a piece of data communicated upon his return to the management school: 50% of business school students marry or have children with someone who has completed the same training as them. Armed with this statistic, he took advantage of confinement to develop a dating site dedicated to business school students: Meet.
What is your background?
I am a student at INSEEC. I am in the third year of the BBA, on the Bordeaux campus. I also work as a freelancer for startups all over France. I carry out web development and iOS application missions. Currently, I should have been on campus in San Francisco, but my international experience was canceled due to the coronavirus.
Meet, what is it?
It is a dating site for business school students only. When we arrived at INSEEC, we were given a statistic that caught my attention: half of business school students end their lives together, get married or have children. I talked about it with a friend during confinement and I said to myself: why not exploit this data and create a dedicated dating site?
How did you design Meet?
I programmed the site in three days. I work alone, but I am currently looking for someone to help me with the communication part in particular. Currently, Meet allows users to view the profiles of all business school students, regardless of their geographic location. An ESSEC student can meet with another from EDHEC. I am currently developing a feature to unblock the sending of private messages only if both profiles show interest in each other.
Where are you with the development of Meet today?
We are going to start the communication campaign and develop relationships with the BDEs to publicize our project. We have set up a system of goodies for the three students and the BDEs who will bring us the most referrals. Our goal is to reach 1,000 registrants to officially launch the site. Meet will be all the more attractive if you can find a lot of profiles. However, anyone can register now!
What features do you imagine for Meet?
Today, we have implemented a system that allows you to see all the profiles, but I imagine the implementation of geographic or school sorting functionalities. Everything will be free at first. I’m only doing this project for fun.
In the future, I imagine, why not, developing features like Tinder, with a VIP system which allows you to limit the number of possible likes per profile and per day. Meet can also be opened to other types of schools.
How have schools reacted to Meet?
Opinions vary, but overall they are rather positive. Many like the novelty aspect, others find that we lose the real-life meeting aspect.
How do you see your future?
I want to stop my studies after my bachelor’s degree, and I hope to continue my freelance work as well as my personal projects like Meet.