Jobs of tomorrow: the 15 jobs that are recruiting

Jobs of tomorrow: the 15 jobs that are recruiting

The job market, and more generally our society, is evolving at a sustained pace and remains focused on democratization and the omnipresence of new technologies. In this context, certain professions are set to become extinct, while others are in full development. The health crisis and climate issues have changed the vision of companies and recruiters, but then which professions are conducive to an explosion of demand in the future? Who are those who are recruiting?

CRM Analyst

CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, is a new sector that is increasingly common in the world of work since it has become democratized in parallel with the discovery of lessons learned from the exploitation of data. The expert responsible for this task therefore analyzes customer data to draw conclusions about their way of using a product or service.

It makes its reports available to marketing, sales or digital teams so that they can adapt their sales methods according to customer feelings. The CRM analyst occupies an important strategic place in the organization chart of a company and is/will be considered a pillar of the development of a product or service within a company.

Sedentary salesperson

If the classic salesperson goes out to meet his customers to sell his products or services, the sedentary salesperson does not take the trouble. He does not travel and carries out his prospecting (presentation and drafting of commercial offers, signing of contracts) exclusively remotely by telephone, by email, or even by videoconference: a way of working which has become more democratic in recent years due to the health crisis.

Community Manager

If this term now seems common for a large majority of the population, its usefulness no longer needs to be proven. The community manager’s mission is to create and manage communities with the aim of developing relationships with colleagues, users, customers, on behalf of a company wishing to gain notoriety.

Firstly, he develops the strategy for his company’s presence on social media in order to meet the objectives determined in consultation with the various departments concerned, if possible in a creative way in order to have a greater impact on his audience. He must also keep a close watch on competitors and keep up to date with current events.

CSR and sustainable development consultant

The CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and sustainable development consultant gives advice to companies or local authorities and proposes different action plans in order to improve their environmental record.

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The sustainable development consultant draws up a report on the points that can be improved and suggests proposals while taking into account the technical and economic constraints of the client for whom he works. The environmental cause is a major issue in the world of today and tomorrow: the demand for experts in the field should continue to grow over time… as long as the situation does not improve.

Energy broker

The energy broker is above all an expert in the energy market. It then offers its services to a company wishing to establish a partnership to optimize its expenses linked to the purchase of energy. Thanks to his knowledge of the subject and his commercial skills, he analyzes needs before putting suppliers into competition in order to find the offers most suited to his customers. The various current issues surrounding the consumption and marketing of energy make the profession of energy broker increasingly relevant and in demand.

E-commerce entrepreneur

Self-employed status is an ideal solution for getting started in the sale of goods or services online. E-commerce has never been as developed as today and, thanks to the rise of the internet and delivery services, the sales possibilities seem endless.

If the income linked to this activity is not immediately guaranteed as it would be in a more “classic” job, becoming an entrepreneur offers a certain freedom that the status of employee does not always allow. You have to be courageous and determined to embark on the adventure, but France is one of the countries where business creation is the most encouragedso why not act in this direction?

Cybersecurity expert

With the increase in the digitalization of activities since the health crisis, the risks linked to virtual attacks have significantly increased. To counter this phenomenon, having cybersecurity skills has become a major issue for the health of a company. Calling on an expert in the field is therefore becoming more and more common. His role? Study the reliability of a company’s information system and ensure its security. However, online thugs are full of ideas for thwarting security systems: a cybersecurity professional must also be informed to constantly adapt and prevent their employer from being exposed to these risks.

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Expert in digital law

Digital technology has become essential and now permeates all facets of our society. Companies and individuals cannot escape this phenomenon and are confronted with a multitude of innovative legal issues involving different rights. The dangers of the Internet are numerous and the law is sometimes relegated to the background, because there are no precise laws for all potential problems. Some have not yet been detected.

Digital law is a sector of the future because, with the constant growth of activities on the internet, legal conflicts will therefore multiply proportionally, i.e. new work opportunities for an expert in digital law.

SEO expert

Being visible on the web has become a priority for a company. To achieve this, there are certain rules to follow to improve your SEO. An SEO (Search Engine Optimization) expert knows all the tips to propel the digital content produced by his employer. Its scope is wide and SEO today affects a multitude of virtual platforms: a website, a YouTube channel, a TikTok account, SEO is present everywhere and should be increasingly considered in the future.

Cloud Engineer

In a world where data plays an increasingly significant role, the cloud engineer plays an important role. It is responsible for deploying, storing and managing data on servers located outside the company, in data centers. He is a specialist in algorithms, programming and software and network architecture. The profession is not yet massively developed, making it rather accessible to the daring wishing to embark on the adventure, despite a limited training offer.

Artificial Intelligence Engineer

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an integral part of our daily lives and has become essential, if not essential, due to its preponderance in the IT systems used on a daily basis, through computers, smartphones and other IT systems.

An AI engineer is both a computer scientist and a researcher. Its main mission is to develop intuitive computer programs to get as close as possible to the behavior that a human could have. These computer programs are generally integrated into well-defined systems, allowing them to think, carry out and assist a human in certain tasks.

Lighting Artist

The Lighting Artist is, as his name suggests, a specialist in lighting. In 3D software, he positions the lighting sources which will bring the setting and the characters to life. It thus guarantees the aesthetics and visual atmosphere of a video game or a film.

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The Lighting Artist is a key part of the visual effects team; he participates in the development and implementation of lighting effects. He must also interact with other trades (level designer, level artist, programmers, animators, etc.) to ensure that their needs are taken into account and that an effective approach to lighting is adopted. This position requires great mastery of editing software and requires developed imagination and creation skills.

Product Owner / Product Analyst

The Product Owner, or product analyst, is responsible for the development and design of a product. He makes the link between the commercial part and the technical part of the project. He must carry the vision of the product and is the interface between the user and the teams responsible for development. He is, in a way, a project manager whose main responsibility is to define a product that will provide real usefulness to users, all in the most optimized time and cost possible.

Growth Marketing Manager

His main goal is to increase the growth of his business quickly, sustainably and at a low cost. It improves business processes, uses data science to optimize decision-making and uses numerous web acquisition channels (online advertising campaigns, SEO, cold e-mailing, affiliation, etc.). As we mentioned previously, the use of data is evolving: mastering its specificities is and will be a real plus in the eyes of recruiters.

Web designer

Under the responsibility of the project manager or artistic director, the web designer designs and creates the visual identity of a website for which he creates all the graphic elements (illustrations, banners, animations, etc.) according to the client’s wishes and according to of the target audience, marketing requirements and technical constraints. Its main goal is to make the site interface attractive and functional in order to attract the maximum number of users.

There are currently nearly two billion websites, 170 websites are created every minute, or almost 3 websites per second, and the pace is unlikely to slow down! This is why this profession is still considered a profession of the future.