How to choose the right outfit for a job interview?

How to choose the right outfit for a job interview?

Congratulations ! You managed to land a job interview for your dream job. Now you’ll need to find the right outfit for your interview. You are probably aware that to make a good impression on the day of your interview, a neat outfit is essential. Suit, skirt, sneakers, jeans, shorts? Business Cool takes stock with you on the outfit to adopt for a successful interview!

Clothes don’t make a monk » maybe, but it helps you get a job! Yes, in reality you only have 5 seconds and only 5 words to make a good first impression. So, it is in your interest to put all the chances on your side.

The suit, a job interview essential?

When it comes to choosing your outfit for a job interview, one question persists: that of the suit. Times have evolved, and with them, clothing standards. If the 80s required wearing suits and button-down shirts, that’s no longer the case. Today, executives at tech giants go to work casually, and startups embrace sneakers and hoodies like a second skin. Nowadays, the professional world often favors relaxation.

However, the answer to the costume question depends on the sector in which you are applying. Indeed, in fields such as sales or finance, a suit remains essential, and opting for a t-shirt and jeans could be prohibitive. On the other hand, IT or marketing professions allow a more relaxed approach. Sometimes, in creative professions, the suit and tie can even harm your image. Ultimately, discernment remains essential when choosing your job interview outfit.

Learn about the company

You will have understood, it is essential to analyze the company in which you are going to set foot. When preparing your outfit for a job interview, the first step is to learn about the company itself. This research goes beyond basic information, like its history and products/services. It is also about analyzing your cultural environment, including your dress code.

A company’s dress code reflects part of its identity. It is an external manifestation of its values ​​and culture. When the job offer mentions a “relaxed atmosphere” or “modern management”, this suggests increased tolerance in terms of dress. On the other hand, if the company seems more conventional, it is wise to remain sober in your choice of clothing.

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Explore the company’s website and social media to find out how its employees dress on a daily basis. Networks like LinkedIn are great sources for finding photos or videos showing employees in action. If you notice that they generally wear shirts, for example, this gives you a valuable indication of the dress standard to follow for the job interview. Finding out about the company’s dress code is a smart way to adapt to your culture and create a positive first impression.

Outfit for a job interview: opt for sobriety!

When it comes to selecting the perfect outfit for a job interview, opting for simplicity is often the best strategy. Indeed, it is always better to appear slightly too serious than too casual in a professional context. Even if the company conveys a “cool” image, avoid excessively casual clothing such as ripped jeans or shorts. The hoodie can be tolerated in some cases, but keep in mind that sobriety is generally preferable.

As a general rule, an outfit that is chic, neat and free of eccentricity is difficult to argue with. Choose subdued colors such as navy blue, beige, white, gray or black, rather than bright shades like yellow. Also avoid outfits that are too reminiscent of vacations.

Your clothing style can influence the recruiter’s perception of you, although it should not be decisive. Excess, whether it’s flashy makeup, loud jewelry or statement clothing, can sometimes create a negative impression. When in doubt, sobriety and simplicity are your best allies to make a strong impression during the job interview.

Pay attention to the colors

As explained above, the choice of colors can have an impact on the smooth running of your interview. So, always favor neutral colors. Choosing colors for your job interview outfit is a crucial aspect that should not be underestimated. Opt above all for sobriety, because colors convey psychological meanings. For example, blue is often associated with tranquility, while red evokes passion and energy. Although these color psychology theories can influence perceptions in marketing and design, they are unlikely to have a significant impact on your recruiter.

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Favor simplicity with sober and elegant colors, such as navy blue, white, beige or black, which have proven themselves. Avoid bright, flashy colors, like neon pink or bright red. Your goal is not to stand out with loud colors. On the contrary, a discreet and professional outfit will allow your personality and your skills to shine during the job interview.

Please note, the outfit for a job interview must also be considered if you are having a remote interview. You need to be well dressed to put yourself in the mindset for an interview and give the best of yourself.

Some tips for a perfect outfit

Iron your clothes

When preparing your outfit for a job interview, attention to detail is essential. Make sure your clothes are spotless: iron them to prevent wrinkles, check them for unwanted stains, and remove pet hair for a professional, polished appearance.

Be comfortable

Don’t forget comfort! Choose an outfit that makes you feel comfortable. This will help you manage the stress of the interview. If the company does not require a strict dress code, focus on comfort. For women, loafers can be an alternative to heels. In summer, choose breathable materials like wool or linen to avoid perspiration. Being comfortable in your clothes will give you more confidence during the interview.


Accessories can add a touch of elegance, as long as they remain discreet. Opt for a watch, a thin bracelet or a clip to complete your look. Avoid excesses. A stylish handbag or satchel is ideal for carrying your interview essentials. Regarding makeup, sobriety is essential. Choose neutral shades and natural makeup. For nails, make sure your polish is impeccable. Regarding the hairstyle, it must be neat, without excess styling products. As for religious symbols, it is a delicate question. In general, avoid distinctive signs to avoid potential discrimination, but the decision is yours.

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Job interview: what is the perfect outfit for a woman?

You will have understood, there is no such thing as a perfect outfit. The ideal outfit for a job interview often depends on the sector of activity targeted. If in doubt about dress codes, opt for sobriety. Remember, it’s better to appear too serious than not serious enough. A golden rule for women during interviews: prefer formality. The skirt or pants suit is always a respectful and professional choice. In reality, the perfect outfit for a woman in a job interview remains classic, sober and adapted to the professional sector to which you aspire. Don’t hesitate to consult industry professionals or colleagues for specific advice on dress codes in your field.

What is the perfect outfit for a man?

For a man, the choice of outfit for a job interview also largely depends on the sector of activity targeted. Here is an overview of the dress codes to follow:

  • If you’re applying to the banking, insurance, finance or legal sector, suit and tie is king. Prefer a dark suit, a white or pinstriped shirt, cufflinks, a tie and well-polished black shoes.
  • If you are applying for a sales manager position, a suit and tie is not mandatory, but it is always recommended. However, you can afford to leave the tie aside. This allows you to find a balance between formal and casual.
  • If you have landed a job interview for a job in the art, communication or IT sector, a classic casual outfit will do the trick. Linen pants and a t-shirt or polo shirt are more than sufficient.

In reality, men or women, there is no such thing as a perfect outfit. It all depends on the sector of activity in which you managed to get your job interview.

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