The Prime Minister, Jean Castex, announced on November 26 that financial assistance would be paid to young graduates formerly on scholarships looking for work, from January 18, 2021. Zoom on the procedure and steps to follow to benefit from this assistance.
Everything you need to know about job search assistance
Job search assistance was announced by the government on November 26, 2020 and aims to provide financial assistance to young graduates struggling to find a first job due to the current health situation. It will be allocated to them exceptionally given the current economic situation.
The conditions to be met to benefit from this job search assistance
To benefit from job search assistance, you must:
- be registered with Pôle Emploi as a job seeker and be under 30 years old;
- have a level 5 higher education diploma (DEUG, BTS, DUT, DEUS) or a higher level in 2020 or during 2021;
- have been a scholarship student based on social criteria or have benefited from aid awarded by the State or local authorities;
- be immediately prepared to take up a job on the day of application for employment assistance;
- not have received replacement income during the month in which the request is made.
The amount of job search assistance
The amount of job search assistance represents 70% of the monthly amount of aid received during the last year of study, 100 euros per month will be increased if the applicant is not domiciled with one or both parents.
The aid will be paid no later than the 20th of each month following the request. Registration on the list of job seekers must be renewed to be paid. Aid cannot be granted if the applicant is already a beneficiary of active solidarity income (RSA).
Steps to follow to benefit from job search assistance
The request must be sent to Pôle Emploi with the following supporting documents:
- A sworn certificate specifying that you are looking for a job and not in training and that you undertake not to enroll in new training in higher education at level 5 or a higher level during the academic year following your graduation.
- A certificate of success issued by the establishment.
- A certificate of status as a beneficiary of state aid or communities for the last year of preparation for your diploma, specifying the amount of aid received.
- Proof of address.