Entrepreneurship: the 4 financial aids you don’t know about

Entrepreneurship: the 4 financial aids you don’t know about

Do you want to get started in entrepreneurship, but you don’t necessarily have the financial means necessary to create your startup? We take stock of 4 financial aid that you haven’t necessarily heard of, but which will be essential for you to get started.

It’s good ! You have the perfect idea, the innovation that will propel your entrepreneurial adventure to the top. Problem, you need money. Don’t panic! We are here to help you! We offer you a list of four little-known financial aids, but which can be very useful to you in launching your business.

Erasmus for young entrepreneurs

You may not know it, but Erasmus offers an experience for young entrepreneurs. Indeed, you can fully experience the international world (and more particularly Europe), even if you create your business. Concretely, this program allows you to explore new markets for your start-up.

With Erasmus for young entrepreneurs, you can benefit from training in an SME abroad to train you in entrepreneurship in an international context. You can also be a host entrepreneur and benefit from the support of a young entrepreneur. “ Most of the host entrepreneurs were so satisfied with the exchange that they decided to repeat the experience with other young entrepreneurs », Explains the organization.

Obviously, Erasmus for young entrepreneurs allows you to integrate an international network which can be a significant support in case of questions or even to develop your activity in countries other than France. It is possible to find partners to launch joint projects.

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The honorary loan

The honorary loan is relatively little known. However, it is a great alternative to a bank loan when you want to launch your entrepreneurial project. Its strengths? You can subscribe to it without guarantee or personal guarantee. In addition, it is a zero-interest loan. If you want to develop, know that the honorary loan allows you to benefit from a loan of up to 90,000 euros.

To opt for the honorary loan, you must go through a dedicated organization. Some support networks offer this solution such as Initiative France or Réseau Entreprendre. You must then submit a file, then, once the selection process has been completed, you will go before a professional jury.

One thing that is good to know is that the honorary loan generally makes it easier to obtain bank loans. Initiative France explains that “ the honorary loan has a significant leverage effect. For 1 € of honorary loan, banks grant on average 7.5 € of additional financing “.

ARE (Unemployment benefit to help people return to work)

If you are a job seeker, then this financial assistance is for you. You may not know it, but it is possible to create your own business while maintaining your unemployment benefit rights. This is also one of the aids most requested by unemployed entrepreneurs and business buyers, since it helps limit the financial risk linked to the creation of your startup.

It is also possible to resign from your company to launch into entrepreneurship. Since 2019, resignation to start a business opens the right to unemployment benefits. To do this, you must have worked at least 1,300 days during the last 5 years in a private company and resign from a permanent contract.

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NACRE (New support for business creation or takeover)

NACRE provides support for three years to business creators or those taking over an existing company. “ Le Nacre helps with setting up the creation or takeover project, financial structuring and starting the activity », explains the site Service-Public.fr.

Please note, however, that to benefit from the NACRE, you must meet one of the following conditions: be a beneficiary of the ARE or the professional security allowance; be an uncompensated job seeker and registered on the list of job seekers for more than six months; receive RSA or ASS; be between 18 and 25 years old; be an employee or licensee of a company as a safeguard of justice; be unemployed and have signed a business project support contract, take over a business in a priority area of ​​the city’s policy, receive PreParE.