EDF recruits its work-study students through sport

EDF recruits its work-study students through sport

EDF unveils the outlines of its “Shoes for 1 Job” operation, an event taking place on May 11 which will allow you to obtain work-study contracts and which will take place at the QJ, the building dedicated to 18-30 year olds. the City of Paris. Dates, positions offered, Business Cool explains everything to you!

Put on your Sneakers for 1 Job: put young people at ease

Organized by the DAR Île-de-France, and the result of a collaboration between EDF, the City of Paris and the “Pass’Sport pour l’emploi” association, the “Put on your Sneakers for 1 Job” initiative is a not very particular: the idea is to recruit through sport, by asking young people, after a short presentation of the company, to play sports, in order to assess their team spirit, their listening skills, etc. . The aim of the system is to place future work-study students in a less formal environment to better understand them and try to make them feel as comfortable as possible.

Also planned, as part of the “Shoes for 1 Job” initiative, are job dating sessions which also aim to put students at ease and to dialogue with them, with the idea of ​​identifying future talents and to receive them for traditional interviews, to find out more about them.

To read: EDF launches “A champion in my Grande École” at CentraleSupélec

What positions are offered by “Shoe your Baskets for 1 Job”?

For “Shoe your Sneakers for 1 Job”, the system is set up to find new work-study workers in various EDF subsidiaries, such as Dalkia, Cielis and Enedis. These companies are particularly looking for work-study students “ maintenance, operations or network technicians for the next school year “. All recruitment systems combined, the group is seeking to recruit 7,200 work-study students, including 1,700 in Île-de-France, in various fields. If you wish, you can consult all these offers on the EDF Recrute website.

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If you are interested in the event, it will take place all day on Thursday, May 11, 2023 in the Youth Quarter, in 1er arrondissement, just opposite the Louvre – Rivoli station. Your future work-study program may be waiting for you there, so don’t hesitate!