Dive into the heart of climate issues with the Banque de France!

Dive into the heart of climate issues with the Banque de France!

The Inco’Lab are an initiative launched by the Lab, the Open innovation center of the Banque de France, aiming to get closer to curious students in the field of finance or technology. This initiative allows them to attend sessions led by experts and then to participate in collective reflection workshops on topics of interest proposed by the Banque de France. The next session focuses on the place of decarbonization in the financial strategy of companies.

Each Inco’Lab session seeks to explore a new theme, which offers the students who take part the opportunity to discuss subjects as diverse as banking supervision, financial stability, green finance, but also technological issues such as AI, quantum, Blockchain, etc. This approach allows students to learn from professionals on various themes, but also to shed concrete light on certain achievements and initiatives of the Banque de France.

Inco’Lab: a new masterclass dedicated to climate issues

The next masterclass will focus on a subject at the heart of the concerns of the Banque de France: the climate transition and the risks associated with it. Faced with climate change, businesses and the financial sector are indeed facing new challenges. If the physical consequences of climate change such as floods or droughts are relatively publicized, its risks and impacts are in reality much more numerous. Companies are facing transition challenges, linked to their degree of preparation for the necessary decarbonization of their business models.

Economic players work on a daily basis to quantify financial risks, but those linked to the ecological transition prove more difficult to measure. However, a translation into euros would make it possible to more easily integrate decarbonization issues into the company’s strategy, particularly financial. How can we financially quantify transition risks?

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This question is naturally crucial for the Banque de France, due to its role in serving the economy, but also to all of its missions. This Inco’Lab session is therefore a unique opportunity to understand the place of decarbonization in the financial strategy of companies, through the work of the Banque de France.

Are you a student and these issues interest you? The Lab is waiting for you on May 31, 2023, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. On the program: a presentation of the issues, reflection workshops led by our experts then a time for discussion to learn from different points of view.

Register now to participate in this event on the website Lab Banque de France.

Innovation at the heart of the Banque de France’s strategy

The Banque de France, whose missions revolve around monetary strategy, financial stability and services provided to the economy and society, pays particular attention to its relations with the innovative ecosystem. This series of events is part of the approach it deploys through the Lab and which aims to develop direct relationships with innovation stakeholders in the broad sense (students, startups, researchers, Tech companies …).

To this end, it recently launched an innovation platform intended to facilitate its interactions with its ecosystem (startups, students, researchers, large groups, etc.) and allowing it to promote initiatives such as Inco’Lab. For students, there are events, news, calls for contributions and even hackathons. So many opportunities to share knowledge and ideas around major issues of concern!

Register now on the innovation platform, the next Banque de France events might interest you!

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