Discover the Thé du DG with Herbert Castéran from IMT-BS

Discover the Thé du DG with Herbert Castéran from IMT-BS

You have certainly already heard about our successful video series “Le Thé du DG”. Available on the Major Prépa YouTube channel, we interview personalities from higher education, who, as you will have understood, are for the most part General Directors, Program Directors and other Directors… The objective is simple: to receive the personalities from higher education and major management schools in order to better know and understand the men and women who embody the French major schools.

During our last episode, Dimitri Des Cognets had the privilege of receiving Herbert Casteran, Managing Director of IMT-BS. During this almost forty-minute interview, we reviewed his professional career, the added value of the school, the feminization of sciences and many other subjects to discover right here.

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