Culture Pass: new partnership between Wecandoo and the Ministry of Culture

Culture Pass: new partnership between Wecandoo and the Ministry of Culture

Since 2017, Wecandoo has worked to integrate crafts into the daily lives of the French and attaches great importance to youth. At the beginning of April, the Minister of Culture Rima Abul Malak announced the integration of Wecandoo craft workshops for 15-18 year olds into the Culture Pass.

Wecandoo’s mission: to share the passion for craftsmanship

During the 17th edition of the European Crafts Days (JEMA) which took place from March 27 to April 2, the Minister of Culture, Rima Abul Malak, announced the expansion of the Culture Pass by including the discovery crafts via Wecandoo. The Culture Pass is a program, launched in 2019, which allows young people aged 15 to 18 to access different cultural activities, supported by the government for up to €300.

On the program? The discovery of several artistic professions through 700 creative workshops spread across the four corners of France: pottery, ceramics, jewelry, carpentry, cabinetmaking, cooking but also textiles, the main objective of this project is to highlight creative professions and to show young people that it is possible to have a career in the fields presented above.

What is Wecandoo?

Wecandoo is a French platform that connects artisans and people wishing to participate in craft creation workshops. Since its creation in 2017, Wecandoo has strived to promote craftsmanship and make it accessible to all, by offering creative workshops led by passionate artisans. The activities offered range from pottery and sewing to leatherwork and jewelry, including cooking and gardening. The main objective? Offer an authentic and friendly experience by allowing participants to discover crafts and meet local artisans.

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This partnership with the Ministry of Culture is a real boon for Edouard Eyglunent, founder of Wecandoo, who underlines the importance of transmission within his activity:

“Joining the Culture pass is for Wecandoo the accomplishment of long-term work carried out in the service of young people. We have co-constructed with the 2000 artisan partners of the project workshops that are as fun as they are educational, dedicated to all age categories but in which adolescents recognize themselves more and more. Wecandoo’s teams work daily to promote and safeguard sectors of excellence. In this sense, we hope that the accessibility to 700 of our discovery workshops via the Culture pass will act as a vocation revealer among young people, and will launch the training of the artisans of tomorrow. »