bobbee announces fundraising of 1.1 million euros

bobbee announces fundraising of 1.1 million euros

The French startup bobbee, which supports firms and companies in their accounting and financial management, recently completed a fundraising of 1.1 million euros. Business Cool spoke with Nina Boussalem, right-hand man of bobbee’s CEO, to learn more about the startup’s projects.

Everything you need to know about bobbee

Who are you ?

I am Nina Boussalem, right-hand woman to the CEO and marketing and communications manager at bobbee, an augmented accounting and financial management solution, for almost 2 years.

My journey is quite classic. I started my studies with a DUT GEA, then I moved to a public business school for my master’s degree. It was during my Master 1 internship in Business Unit Management at the IAE in Lille that I discovered bobbee. I was immediately attracted by this startup and especially by its state of mind.

At bobbee the mindset is modern. We evolve with the times and enable the accounting profession and businesses to do the same. That is to say, to access all the opportunities that digital has to offer them. It’s an idea and an ecosystem that I like and in which I am comfortable. After my internship I was very happy to be able to continue the experience on a work-study basis and now on a permanent contract!

What does bobbee do?

Since its creation in 2020 by a chartered accountant and a business manager, bobbee aspires to support firms and businesses in their daily accounting and financial management, with complete, modern and efficient tools. bobbee is a SaaS solution which aims to offer a common, all-in-one interface to accounting and financial employees, as well as to all profiles related to decision-making and business strategy. Our tool is divided into 4 very comprehensive modules accessible to all its users: augmented accounting, internal management, GED And tax and legal resources and news.

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bobbee is aimed at all those who wish to increase the overall performance of their firm or company by simply and automatically processing all financial data and eliminating time-consuming work. The objective is to provide a complete all-in-one digital ecosystem, covering all needs and simplifying the lives of firms and businesses alike.

Bobbee’s fundraiser

Why did you raise 1.1 million euros?

At bobbee, we have chosen responsible growth and this includes limiting “cash burn”. In our opinion, going through the “super-fundraising” box is not necessary to follow a sustained growth strategy, even as a startup.

This fundraising will allow us to accelerate the marketing of our solution, strengthen our customer service for a onboarding serene and fluid, to launch new services and also to adapt our start-up to current environmental issues.

Why did you choose to bring this investor into your capital?

Bobbe has chosen to bring business angels into its capital.

Since always, bobbee seeks its partners within the community of accounting professionals. And who better than an accountant to understand the challenges of the profession? We are naturally very happy with the arrival on our board of André-Paul Bahuon, recognized chartered accountant, president of the CCEF (company of financial advisors and experts), co-president of Jegard-Creatis, president of the CGCI (committee groups of independent firms) and member of the Office of the National Company of Auditors. Bringing such a personality into our capital can only be an asset for us and our users.

What will bobbee look like in 5 years?

bobbee is visionary and is for visionaries. Our primary objective – and what bobbee exists for – is to enable accounting and financial professionals to evolve with the times by supporting them with technological advances.

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Before talking about the next 5 years, let’s talk about the next year and a change to come which illustrates our mindset very well. To follow developments in our environment and allow the financial and accounting community to stay up to date, one of the functionalities that we will develop tomorrow is the accounting management of cryptocurrencies. As our CEO, Marie-France Pédroni, often says: “Dare without limits”. This is the adage that drives our progress and will allow us to stay on course.

In 5 years, bobbee aims to be the most advanced digital tool, providing access to the most recent technologies and giving its users the opportunity to benefit from the benefits of development. Resistance to change is very present and our platform is and will be adaptable and as adapted as possible. bobbee was created with the sole aim of simplifying the lives of firms, businesses and especially their employees. It can only evolve in this direction.