BNEM launches the Spotlight podcast dedicated to student entrepreneurship

BNEM launches the Spotlight podcast dedicated to student entrepreneurship

The BNEM (National Office of Management School Students) has just launched its very first podcast called Spotlight. With this initiative, students from French business schools want to highlight the entrepreneurs hiding in their establishments.

Entrepreneurship is becoming an increasingly important outlet for business schools. Indeed, there are many successful startups that have come out of the Grandes Écoles of Business. Back Market was co-founded by an IÉSEG graduate (Thibaud Hug de Larauze), Doctolib, by an HEC Paris alumnus (Stanislas Niox-Château), and Yuka by a former EDHEC student (Julie Chapon).

While these are important publicized success stories, other less popular startups are at the origin of innovations that are making France shine throughout the world. These projects, carried out by students from Grandes Écoles, particularly business schools, will now be highlighted in the new BNEM podcast: Spotlight.

Spotlight: the podcast of BNEM student-entrepreneurs

THE BNEM launches Spotlight for “ putting the spotlight on students who are entrepreneurs and who are committed. » The first episode, scheduled for this Friday, May 5, 2023, highlights Aymeric de Raguenel, founder of Le Petit Dormeur, a startup behind a travel cushion made in France. In this first issue of Spotlight, he will return to “ the history of his company, from its creation to its resale, and will discuss his entrepreneurial journey “.

The episodes of the BNEM podcast will all be available on traditional platforms such as Spotify, Apple PodcastsDeezer and Amazon. Spotlight fits perfectly into the strategy of the association which wishes to promote the sector and its students. “ By highlighting students who have been able to combine their school career and their entrepreneurial or associative commitment, the BNEM hopes to arouse interest and give the courage to future Management School students to embark on innovative projects. », Explains the association.

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