Much research shows that the secret to a successful life is a strong resistance to change. The year 2020 was proof of this, as it had many surprises in store for us. To prepare yourself calmly for the year to come, here are 5 fears that you must become aware of and overcome!
1. Fear of uncertainty and change
Being afraid of change is completely natural. Anything beyond our control constitutes a risk for us. It is for this reason that we should not try to predict the future, but rather adapt to the events that we must face as they happen. To train your brain to overcome everyday challenges, make a list for the coming year of challenges to take on and decisions that will have a real impact on your life.
2. Fear of loneliness
Some people can’t stand the idea of being alone, while others have no problem with it. Developing the ability to enjoy your own company becomes essential to gain self-confidence and survive in today’s world. It is by becoming your own best friend that you will be able to count on your judgment and comfort when you need it most. At the same time, you will overcome the blocking feeling of loneliness and instability. It is therefore important to nourish your subconscious with positive thoughts about yourself and those around you.
3. Fear of confrontation
Coming into confrontation with other people in a professional or personal context is never pleasant. However, it is by avoiding conflicts and keeping things to yourself that problems get worse.
When such a situation arises, ask yourself: is this really worth keeping for myself? By externalizing your feelings, it is likely that you will free yourself from a burden and be able to unblock a complicated situation. It is therefore important to keep the reflex of taking a step back from the situation and thinking about the best way to resolve the problem.
Start by tackling the problem step by step because it’s by breaking it down that it will seem less scary.
4. Fear of rejection
We have all faced rejection at some point in our lives. If you didn’t get the job or internship of your dreams, that doesn’t mean your professional life is reduced to nothing. The most important thing is to keep moving forward. As Rocky Balbao said so well in his eponymous film: “ What matters is not how hard you hit, but how many hits you take while still moving forward.”
In life, you will be confronted more often with “no’s” than with “yes”. Rejection can be temporary, so don’t hesitate to try later, because circumstances are never constant.
5. Fear of losing control
If you are one of the people who must constantly control all situations and have control over each of the parameters that make it up, you are probably afraid of losing control over your life, something that does not always work out for you. Instead of constantly questioning your ability to handle situations that don’t go your way, accept that some things in life are out of your hands and beyond your control.
Uncertainty naturally creates frustration when things don’t turn out the way you hoped. And almost nothing in life turns out exactly the way you want it to. Feeling angry and depressed about this is nothing other than a waste of energy and time.
Instead, focus on the things you really master and learn to let go by practicing meditation and questioning yourself often enough.