10 astuces Excel

10 Excel skills you absolutely must master

Let it be said, who has not already panicked when analyzing an Excel file? “Can you process these results for me please?” It won’t be long, I promise! ”, finally spending hours there. “If only I had the Excel skills to do that”, we often say to ourselves… Luckily for you Cool Business heard your distress! Here’s an article that will allow you to impress your colleagues and analyze files in no time. NB: This article is based on the excellent Twitter account of Blake Burge.

Excel Tip #1: Sparkline Charts

Excel Sparkline Charts are small charts inserted into a spreadsheet. They are very practical for having a visual representation of your data and its evolution.

How to do it:

  1. Select a horizontal or vertical range with your data
  2. Click on insert then on “ sparkline graphics
  3. Then select the box in which you want to see your graph appear

And there you have it, that’s it!

Excel Tip #2: People Graph

Do you want to impress your office colleagues with innovative graphs made in Excel that are much more visual and quick to create? This is how it works!

  1. Go to the insert tab
  2. Click on complement, then on “ people graph
  3. Then click on the “data” part of the graph
  4. Choose your title then select your data in the table

Excel Tip #3: Tables

If you don’t use a table in Excel, you should. This is what it would bring you:

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– Clean formatting
– Automatic enlargement as new data is added
– Quick and easy data summaries for each row
– Formulas that apply to entire columns
– Create dynamic charts that update automatically, and much more

  1. Click on the “Table” icon
  2. Select your data
  3. Then configure your board as you wish

Excel Tip #4: Integrate a Segment

Knowing how to integrate segments into your Excel document will make your life easier when analyzing tables. Here’s how to do it!

  1. Click on the “ Painting
  2. Then go to “ Insert a segment
  3. Finally, select the segments you want to appear

That’s it!

Excel Tip #5: Data Validation

The drop-down list allows you to ensure the consistency of your data. This will help you take a little “outside” look to avoid typos or inconsistencies that you might not have noticed in your Excel file.

  1. Click on the “ Data “
  2. Then click on the “ Data Validation

Excel Tip #6: Instant Fill

This is one of our favorite Excel tips! What’s more time-consuming than writing data repeatedly? With this shortcut, you will be able to fill your table in no time with all the data you want to include.

  1. Click on “ Data » in the top panes of your Excel window
  2. Then click on “ Instant filling » this directly copies what you want!

Excel Tip #7: Consolidate

To summarize and report results from separate spreadsheets, it is possible to “ consolidate » data from each Excel sheet, into a master spreadsheet.

  1. Click on “ Data
  2. Select the entire table you want to consolidate
  3. Click on “ Consolidate » and press the little plus “+” to the right of the window
  4. Repeat the operation with the other tables
  5. Tick ​​” Link to source data » and if you wish “ top line ” And ” left column
  6. Then click on “ok” and your new table is displayed

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Excel Tip #8: Automatic abbreviations

This technique can save you precious time on Excel! To do this, simply create a personalized list of shortcuts. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Click on the Excel tab at the top left of your screen
  2. Then click on “ Preferences
  3. And, finally, click on the icon “ Automatic correction » and fill in your words and the abbreviations you want

Easy you see?

Excel Tip #9: Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting in Excel is a useful tool for highlighting tables, reports or cells. It is also possible to target an area or several columns to analyze certain very specific data. Proof in pictures!

  1. Select the data part of your data table
  2. Go to the part “ welcome » from your Excel window
  3. Click on “ conditional formatting » then on the element you want.

This action will make your sheets much more visual.

Excel Tip #10: Format Paint

Are your paintings dull? If you want to bring a little visual and standardize everything at the same time, the format paint on Excel is what you need!

  1. Select the data whose formatting you want to copy
  2. Click on the paintbrush icon at the top left of your screen
  3. Select the data you want to modify
  4. Hop, magic! They have the same properties as the table next to it!

Bonus: Camera Snapshot

This tip allows you to transfer your tables to another Excel window, while keeping the formulas. Practical !