1 Young, 1 Solution: SG launches job dating throughout France!

1 Young, 1 Solution: SG launches job dating throughout France!

SG (known as Société Générale) has partnered with Wizbii to offer job dating across France. Lille, Lyon, Bastia, Bourges, Bastia, Paris… If you are looking for a job, whatever city you are in, this is the event not to be missed. We’ll tell you more!

SG: job dating to bring young people into employment

99% satisfaction rate in 2022: this is probably the result that SG (formerly Société Générale) and Wizbii hope to reproduce with the third job-dating campaign. As in previous years, SG does not only focus on the Paris region: Lille, Lyon, Brest, Montauban, Bayonne, and even Bastia are invested here. In addition to networking, the group offers young people a dialogue with a human resources expert mandated by the SG group, who will be able to best advise young candidates on their access to employment. The objective seems to be, beyond simply organizing meetings, to bring some of these young people closer to the codes and requirements of the professional environment, by raising their awareness and allowing them to get closer to this environment.

SG, 1 young person 1 solution, job datingSG, 1 young person 1 solution, job dating
(c) GS

To organize these meetings, SG partners with the Wizbii site, a job search platform. For more information, search for your city on their site. Please note, registration is required and places are limited!

Why did Société Générale become SG? The answer here.

What is “1 Youth 1 Solution”?

The project is supported by the government system “1 Jeune 1 Solution”, designed to support young people under 30 into employment, through various initiatives. It was notably supported by a partnership with C8 and Cyril Hanouna in 2021. Today, the system is mainly represented by a website implemented by the State.

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The government site fulfills several objectives: it offers training, offers of associative and civic engagement, supports young people in their efforts, offers a CV creation tool, centralizes the multiple aid systems, etc. The tool is in fact intended to be a real traveling companion for young people in difficulty, to support them towards employment and professional success. It is with this in mind that the event supported by SG is supported by the program.

Job dating is very common today

15 minutes maximum, for a first contact: job dating is currently booming. And for good reason: the benefit of the system is twofold, allowing employers to sort applications more easily and young people to make contact in a more spontaneous and less formal way. At a time when we are seeing more and more companies encouraging people to apply for job offers, this asset is particularly strategic. Completely non-existent a few years ago, many companies have recently decided to adopt job dating.

Today, the system is becoming more widespread and tends to become, over time, a method of recruitment like any other. The best witnesses to the success of this success, the previous events allowed the meeting of 1,500 young people and 200 companies. The SG also communicates a figure of “ 99% satisfaction rate“.

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